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Version: 1.21.1

Vagrant Package Registry

Publish Vagrant packages for your user or organization.


To work with the Vagrant package registry, you need Vagrant and a tool to make HTTP requests like curl.

Publish a package

Publish a Vagrant box by performing a HTTP PUT request to the registry:

ownerThe owner of the package.
package_nameThe package name.
package_versionThe package version, semver compatible.
providerOne of the supported provider names.

Example for uploading a Hyper-V box:

curl --user your_username:your_password_or_token \
--upload-file path/to/your/ \

You cannot publish a box if a box of the same name, version and provider already exists. You must delete the existing package first.

Install a package

To install a box from the package registry, execute the following command:

vagrant box add "{owner}/vagrant/{package_name}"
ownerThe owner of the package.
package_nameThe package name.

For example:

vagrant box add ""

This will install the latest version of the package. To add a specific version, use the --box-version parameter. If the registry is private you can pass your personal access token in the VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN environment variable.

Supported commands

vagrant box add