🗃️ Packages
17 items
📄️ Authentication
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
📄️ Agit Setup
In Gitea 1.13, support for agit was added.
📄️ Incoming Email
Gitea supports the execution of several actions through incoming mails. This page describes how to set this up.
📄️ Labels
You can use labels to classify issues and pull requests and to improve your overview over them.
📄️ Pull Request
"Work In Progress" pull requests
📄️ Permissions
Gitea supports permissions for repository so that you can give different access for different people. At first, we need to know about Unit.
📄️ Template Repositories
Gitea 1.11.0 and above includes template repositories, and one feature implemented with them is auto-expansion of specific variables within your template files.
📄️ Issue and Pull Request templates
Some projects have a standard list of questions that users need to answer
📄️ Automatically Linked References
When an issue, pull request or comment is posted, the text description is parsed
📄️ Merge Message templates
File names
📄️ Push
There are some additional features when pushing commits to Gitea server.
📄️ Clone filters (partial clone)
Git introduces --filter option to git clone command, which filters out
📄️ Webhooks
Gitea supports webhooks for repository events. This can be configured in the settings
📄️ Protected tags
Protected tags allow control over who has permission to create or update Git tags. Each rule allows you to match either an individual tag name, or use an appropriate pattern to control multiple tags at once.
📄️ Repository Mirror
Repository mirroring allows for the mirroring of repositories to and from external sources. You can use it to mirror branches, tags, and commits between repositories.
📄️ Secrets
Secrets allow you to store sensitive information in your user, organization or repository.